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Writer's pictureKata Csehek

Your November Cake

Did you notice, whenever we start talking about fasting, how not to eat, we always end up talking about eating?

I still recommend fasting daily and monthly in order to reinstall metabolic flexibility, which will then result in better oestrogen metabolism and less hormonal problems for young and old.

It may be easier if you know you will eat a nice piece of cake when you are back on eating again.

Most importantly keep about 16 hrs each day when you are not eating at all!

In the remaining 8 hrs, you can then try this simple, light, yet delicious cheese cake.

How not to eat, why and how will it help we talk about on the next Midlife Conversation sessions:

-hybrid for Eu staff members on Tuesday, 7 november 12:30-13:30 (for the link send me your EU email ID pls., we can send the invitation only for staff members), or

-in person for all in Auderghem on Sunday, 12. November 11:00-12:30. Free for Hormone Clubbers, Eur15 for others.

email me if you want to come: kata @

This cake is just simple, no need to bake!

Ingredients - if you can't get fresh cheese, it's easy to make it form full fat milk, I'll will share directions in a following blogpost.:

creamy part - half kg fresh cheese, raw cane sugar or cocos blossom sugar for taste, about 6 generous tablespoons; for the colour half cup of deep frozen raspberry or a little spoon of beetroot powder or half cup of rasped fresh beetroot (I made this one with beetroot powder. I find it nicer when it's not evenly distributed, so there will be darker spots here and there when you slice it.)

crust - 1 cup dried coconut, 3 tbsp butter or fat, 2 tbsp raw cane sugar or cocos blossom sugar, 1 egg yoke, 1 pinch of salt.

decoration: any kind of fruits or nuts you like, I've just had figs from my fig tree, so I used figs here.

Mix ingredients for the cream. Melt the butter or fat in a frying pan, stir the coconut with the sugar and salt carefully, keep stirring, it burns quickly!, until it turns light brown. Turn the heat off and mix the egg yolk in. Lay it in a glass container that can stand the deep freezer, apply the cream on the top, decorate the top and place it in the deep freezer for half an hour.

Further ideas: You can always sprinkle dark chocolate chips or drip melted dark chocolate on the decoration. Dark chocolate helps blood sugar and insulin regulation. (see former article)

Midlife Conversations next:

-hybrid for Eu staff members on Tuesday, 7 november 12:30-13:30 (for the link send me your EU email ID pls., we can send the invitation only for staff members), or

-in person for all in Auderghem on Sunday, 12. November 11:00-12:30. Free for Hormone Clubbers, Eur15 for others.

email me if you want to come: kata @

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